Supported file types: anm, asf, avi, bik, dts, dxa, flv, fli, flc, flx, h261, h263, h264, m4v, mkv, mjp, mlp, mov, mp4, 3gp, 3g2, mj2, mvi, pmp, rm, rmvb, rpl, smk, swf, vc1, wmv, ts, vob, mts, m2ts, m2t. To install FFInputDriver just place the unarchived package under VirtualDub program directory. The plugin is based as the name may suggest on the FFmpeg libraries.

FFmpeg Input Driver can handle 31 different file formats. You need a plugin or plugins to load anything else besides avi.

VirtualDub, as stand-alone, cannot handle mkv, mp4, flv, mov or any other files besides avi. Revamping it to look more modern would be appreciated.įinally, although the program does come with a very extensive guide about how to use it, it would have helped greatly if the program had tooltips so that users will be able to know what the tools are about quickly.Virtualdub FFMpeg Input Plugin (FFInputDriver) allows you to open and edit Matroska Container (MKV), MP4, FLV and other video file formats in VirtualDub. However, this doesn’t mean the design shouldn’t be updated. It’s understandable that the design and interface are simple since the program is all about simplicity and efficiency. One minor gripe is that the interface is less than impressive. This is a good thing since you can put the program files into a removable drive and run the program from anywhere. All you need to do is extract the files from the archive and click on the executable file in order to run the program. As a matter of fact, there is no need to install the program at all. The installation and interface are simple. However, it does seem like the program has difficulty detecting file formats that are not AVI. Officially, it states that it can support many file formats. In terms of video file format support, the VirtualDub focuses more on AVI file formats.

As stated above, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing since there are some people who do need that speed of processing. The fact that it supports batch processing also shows that’s it’s more concerned about the speed and quantity of processing rather than the quality. Its simplicity and ease of use make it good for quick editing. All of that said, the VirtualDub does have its own strengths.